Monday, April 14, 2008


Sorry, had to take down the preview page :(

Last Monday I found out I could take part of the new Tori Amos anthology: Tattoo by Image comics. Im super psyched about it, but I was given a week to do nine pages. Not an easy task when you have a day job and kids, etc, but this is definitely worth losing some sleep over. So Im happy to say that we are on day seven and I should finish up later today. It pushes some stuff back that I wanted to have at the New York Con later this week, but again, this project is the coolest thing a guy like me could hope for right now, so the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks.

I think this is debuting at the San Diego Con end of July. 450 pages and over 90 people involved. Its a monster.

I did the art and washes, and Gabe did an amazing job on the colors.

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